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Real People of the Pocket - Danielle AKA Supermum

Adventurous, outdoorsy, positive, and super mum - Danielle and her fam came into my life a few years back and I have just loved watching her kids grow. You've probably seen them at the coloured swings park, at the Equestrian social nights, or Matthew on his early morning walks with the kids. They've found Fig Tree Pocket to be an amazing family suburb - as we all do! Cathy x

When did you come to Fig Tree Pocket, and what brought you here?

We first moved to FTP in 2011. We were living in an apartment at Indooroopilly but had a puppy and wanted more space. We didn’t want to compromise on the spoils of such a central location when a work colleague recommended we look at FTP. We rented a couple of houses on Kenny St before buying our first family home here from Cathy in 2015. Three short years later we had another puppy and 3 kids! Last year we sold up and moved around the corner from our original house to our forever family home, across from Biami Yumba park.

Tell us about your family.

I have 3 little ones and a devilishly handsome husband (I'm looking for forgiveness for recent EOFY online sale shopping here 😝)

I've no doubt you have seen my husband pushing our 3 kids around in our triple pram in the mornings while walking our 2 dogs. Bless him!

If you haven’t already been stopped in the streets by Lily to be introduced, then here is the run down -

“My name is Lily and I am 3. This is my little sister Grace and she is 2 and sometimes naughty. This is my little brother Ollie (Oliver) and he is 1. We have 2 dogs as well. Their names are Cooper & Spencer. Cooper is white. Spencer is a cocker spaniel and he is handsome. This is my best friend Dad, his name is Matthew. My mums name is Danielle but she’s still sleeping”..

Thanks for dobbing me in Lil!

How do you spend your days?

I have a background in both HR & Accounting, working for top tier mining and construction companies. I went on 4 months planned maternity leave when I was pregnant with Lily in 2015... but 4 years later I'm still not back at work and enjoying life at home with my little ones.

I am fortunate to be surrounded by close friends and family. I’m blessed to see my mum most days and she’s always up for an adventure with us to Lone Pine to cuddle the baby chicks and feed the kangaroos. Otherwise we spend much of our days hanging in parks in the winter and the beaches in summer - trying to make the most of these precious childhood years as I’m often reminded ‘they don’t last forever’.

Lily attends Gan Gani kindy and I am on the parent committee, which keeps my brain active. We are fortunate to have formed wonderful friendships with many of the families there. And Miss Colleen, Miss Lori and Miss Therese and Miss Stef are amongst some of our favourite people - they are the salt of the earth.

What do you do when you're not child wrangling?

I love the outdoors and trying to keep fit so I spend much of my spare time running and playing competitive netball. When I’m not doing that you will see me with a glass of wine in my hand!

What gives you a belly laugh?

My mum. Just thinking about her telling a funny story makes me laugh. Usually she can never get more than a few words out before she falls to pieces in laughter, belly aches and tears. It’s very infectious!

I had a great childhood and get a lot of laughs reminiscing with my sisters about things we thought we got away with when we were younger. We are all mums now so finally realise first hand that there’s absolutely nothing mums don’t know!!

What's your perfect weekend involve?

Absolutely, unequivocally - best weekends are spent by the beach.

What do you hope to tick off your bucket list in the next 5 years?

I’m blessed to have done a lot of travelling when I was younger. I worked for Contiki in Europe for a few years when I left school so there’s few places I’ve still left to visit over there but the Northern Lights is one of those. Im 40 in 5 years time which would be a great reason if there ever was one - so hopefully my husband is reading this!! 🙂 Also my dad and I used to do motor cross and endurance riding together. We gave it up about 6 years ago but have recently been talking about going to Vietnam for his 60th birthday, to go on a week long off-road bike tour. Getting back on the bikes again with my dad would be a top bucket list item for sure.

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